Two worthwhile articles on Islam in Australia

lundi 22 septembre 2014

Just read a couple of worthwhile recent pieces on Islam in Australia. Though a warning if you are 'PC' - these are not written by apologists. But they aren't crazy-right either.

Geoffrey Luck on 13 September:

Muslims Are What Muslims Believe

"This is what makes it so difficult for the West to understand and combat Islamic terror: the cleverness with which religion has been intertwined with politics to justify and legitimise brutality. In the name of Allah, killing becomes holy killing and evil is His holy tool ..."

Lawrence Cross on 18 September:

A Deadly Mix of Tribalism and Religion

"This morning's news of massive anti-terror raids in Australian cities is a reminder that the threat of bombings and mayhem, shocking as they are, represent no more than symptoms of a religious tribalism's threaten to the fabric and functioning of the nation-state ..."

P.S. I don't necessarily agree with everything that is on the Quadrant website - some things I completely disagree with and other things I'm doubtful of at best. But the above articles I thought were good.

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