pine and fill pop top roof

mardi 19 janvier 2016

am re building the pop top roof of my 30 yr old van thought of using steel but decided will stay with wood framing , cause of weight etc ,
questions i have are

1 the original roof frame was just mainly 19 x 45 pine either in joined pieces to make larger / smaller pieces or as is , was told should be using treated pine , but local ( small town ) lumber dealer does not stock , was thinking of just using normal pine giving it a few coasts of undercoat and top coat to seal it would this work just as well ( none of the old roof frame was sealed at all , and lasted 30 yrs )

2 want to use expanding foam filler to fill all the gaps in the roof ie has new 20 mm metal u shaped frame which will have the timber in it pressing against one side and want to use the foam as a filler in the 5 mm gap left will this cause a problem ? it wont cause the light metal channel to bend as it expands ? will have plenty of space to expand up . could apply in small doses and build it up but will different layers of it bind together ?

3 using panel rib for the roof has only a 4 mm ridge
view 1 has the panel over the edge angle which means there will be a gap all round the roof which will have to be filled , water flow is right direction straight off roof ( has a small fall from centre out to edges )
view 2 was going to put it under the right angle edge panels of the roof for a neat appearance but of course the water run off is then wrong and may pool over joint
think view 1 is better option but any suggestions ?

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pine and fill pop top roof

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