Retrofitting Dust Extraction To 14" Woodfast Bandsaw

lundi 18 janvier 2016

I am about to start the restoration of my 14" Woodfast Bandsaw.

This will be my first dust generating machine.

The first step is to consider dust extraction since the machine was manufactured without any.

From what I have read, its best to have the dust extraction as close to the point were the dust is created. Also that 150mm ducting is best.

I therefore made this cardboard mockup. It has 150mm hole located on the centre line of the blade and is as close as I can get it.

The dust hood extends beyond the current edge of the sheet metal tool so that it follows / mates with the cast iron frame of the bandsaw, while also centring the 150mm hole on the blade.

I plan to get the dust hood made from sheet metal and then to weld it to the existing sheet metal door.

I plan to have a 90º bend coming off the sheetmetal hood. That will eventually connect to my future dust extraction system.

I am looking for comments and suggestions.

Also will this single point suffice or should I add extra smaller extraction points? I was thinking maybe one on the left edge of the sheet metal door?

Also I have read that supplying enough air for the dust extractor to suck can be a issue. So I was planning to have sheetmetal section directly above the hood removed, basically the small piece that sits on the top next to the white masking tape. Is this good/bad?

I may also consider having ducting coming around the top edge of the sheet metal door and then down the right side of the door terminating just above the blade, to catch any extra dust.

Here are the photos of the mockup.

Attached Images

Retrofitting Dust Extraction To 14" Woodfast Bandsaw

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