Segmented Sliding Cabinet Door

lundi 18 janvier 2016

Hi All,

Wondering if anyone has any experience making, or can point me in the direction of pre-made, sliding doors capable of being flat but also going 180 degrees around a ~200mm radius?

To explain further, I'm designing a record player cabinet for a friend. If viewed from above, it's a rectangle with one round, the radius of which is a bit larger than a record, and one square end. From the front it has a sliding door in a track for the full width of the cabinet. The idea beign that the sliding door will move toward the round end an travel around and then behind the cabinet.

I'm pretty sure this isnt a groundbreaking idea but i cant find anything online on how you build a flexible door for a flexible track. I'm thinking it could be done with narrow virticle strips to make segments.. .but how to connect it all together and also connect it to the track?

Has anyone done this or seen such a door i can inspect online?


Segmented Sliding Cabinet Door

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