A small bowl - Yaka / Pacific Rimu

lundi 29 septembre 2014

After looking at the MC900 wobble and associated problems with sorting it out I decided to go with a Nova 1624-44 - it was in the price range and the reviews were really positive. It was easy to assemble (with help) and get running.

I decided to turn a small bowl and have also started on a shaver / brush / stand kit I got from Tony at perfect pens (I will post the kit in the pens forum as I think its more appropriate in there).

The bowl was sanded to 600grit and finished with EEE ultra shine and shellawax. I need to work on my tool finishing technique, shear scraping and scraper techniques. There are still plenty of tool marks, especially on the inside. Anyone have any suggestions as to where I can get some lessons formal or informal ? Either Southside - Wynnum etc or Northside close to the Gateway or Bruce Highway ?

Yaka-1.jpg Yaka-2.jpg Yaka-3.jpg Yaka-4.jpg

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