Assumptions behind thread plate calculations

mardi 25 mars 2014

See attached jpeg showing the thread cut for various configurations on my Hercus 9"

I see on the web that various other lathes have a similar plate.

What I dont understand is the assumptions behind the calculated values.

From what I have read, I currently think that the critical factors are

1. TPI on leadscrew

2. Number of teeth on stud gear

3. Number of teeth on final gear

4. Whether or not a compound gear is involved

5. Gearbox ratio (if you have a gearbox)

The way I see it, its reasonable to assume items 1, 2 and 5 were known by the people who calculated the values on the plate, (different values for item 2 are listed on the table)

They must have assumed something for items 3 and 4 ?

I've set up a spreadsheet for my lathe change gears and gearbox ratios and can calculate the TPI for various configurations and these calcs agree with VernonV's Latheworks program, so I think I understand the basic maths but I don't understand how anybody could print that plate without saying what they had assumed for items 3 and 4.

Any recommended web sites I should visit to help me understand better ?

Havent cut any threads yet - still reading - does the answer become blindingly obvious after I have had a go ?


Attached Images

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