The 60 second rule

vendredi 28 mars 2014

Seeing as I rarely get to show the stuff I do I thought I'd contribute this little rule that I try to live by...not just in the workshop, but in life in general...,

60 seconds...if something will only take that long to do...DO IT!!!

Put a tool you've used away where it belongs, push that machine back to where it normally lives, sweep that workbench down, vacuum/sweep that work area, dump that bucket of sawdust...

...fold sock pairs together when you take them off the line, throw that dish in the dishwasher, take that empty bottle out of the car, chastise/educate/love your idiot kid (maybe that's just related to me specifically :q), give the missus/fella a hug and tell 'em you love 'em, pay a bill that's just arrived, beat a tea time door knocker to death, abuse a telemarketer...

Life is so much simpler, enjoyable and stress free when you can spend just a single solitary minute, no matter how busy you THINK you are, doing the things that are really important to your medium to long term life.

I admit that it's hard to do, but give it a shot and try to think about this rule when you take the "easy" way out of can save you a whole bunch of worry and stress later on and in general can make life just so much easier :)

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