Let the shed extensions commmence!

vendredi 31 juillet 2015

Well, it's been a long time in the planning, thinking and discussion, but I have now started the preparations for a shed extension.

I've gone through numerous plans, most of which include extending the current shed walls out as well as an add-on extension, but my current thinking is to leave the current shed exactly as it is footprint wise, and build a new separate box on the back. This will be MUCH less work on the current shed. Just an internal doorway required through to the new shed which will be the dusty room - all dust making machines will be in there and the current shed will become just handtools and assembly area.

Put a skillion roof on the current shed angled up at 30° facing north, ready for adding solar panels. Skillion roof on the new shed would be angled the opposite way and with a lower pitch (so it doesn't shadow next door too much at all. The roof on the current shed has to be replaced anyway. By going skillion it will be significantly higher than current but this will only shade the shed of next door, and it's not really used for anything but occasional storage anyway.

Continue the roof of the current shed out the front for about 3m and this will provide an outdoor undercover area. I have a cube of creosoted floor joists from the Bowling Club reno down the back. They will make a very solid deck to work on.

I've done very well indeed out of the Bowling Club - we have an excellent symbiotic relationship! :D They've saved about $5000 or more in tipping fees, and I've saved probably the same in materials acquisition. I have somewhere around 5m³ of mainly hardwood and Douglas Fir, including some very long sticks of 8x3", plenty of 6x2, 4x3, 4x2 etc.

The latest score a few weeks ago was 144m² of roofing in excellent condition.:hpydans: These are 12m lengths, 750mm wide, and there will surplus leftover. It would make a very quick fence if necessary. I'll use this for roofing and external walls.

Surplus to requirements was a score from across the road last week of 10 sheets of 6x3' corrugated iron from a roof replacement. Couldn't bear to see it just go to the tip.....:no:

In the attachment layout the blue shed is the current one.

Comments and suggestions most welcome!

Attached Files

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