Workshop LIghting .. LED Replacements for Fluoroescent Tubes

mardi 10 mars 2015

Just finished installing led replacement tubes for all the T8 fluorescents. I'm using the AEG ones from here I chose the 4000K office white colour, I don't like the blueish 6000K.

So the tubes work out to $10 each, The workshop lighting power consumption has dropped from near 600 Watts to 218 Watts for much the same light level..

I calculate they will pay for themselves in about 1500 hours, which is probably less than 12 months usage. it should knock about $40 off the quarterly bill.

Now for the confusing stuff...

The AEG ones are powered from either end of the tube, so all you need to do is remove the starter.

In the electronics workshop I installed the other type ( Philips Brand ) these ones are powered from one end, and for those you need to replace the starter with a shorting stub, or do what I did and rewire the fitting. But now I can't take a tube from the main workshop and plug it into the fitting in the electronics shop, since it will short the pins....

Love led T8 replacements... I just wish someone would standardize the wiring.... :)


PS... Here are the two incompatible schemes... First the AEG type, then second the Philips Type


Note that if the fitting has an electronic ballast, you have to remove it, if it's a magnetic ballast, you can leave it.

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