Powder coating hinges? DIY available?

mardi 31 mars 2015

Wisdom needed here brains trust!....

I make MDF wooden boxes for a kids toy chain and get all my brass hinges from Zenith and screws from China (500 and 2000 at a time). Naturally I make HEAPS of them at a go. (man-o-man can I rebate and attach a hinge like a machine now!)

I have a supplier who will give me 50 pairs of plain steel at an awesome price. The samples are exceptional. They are not plated. Just goozed to stop rust.

The boxes are invariably painted white or any number of rainbow of colours provided by Haymes. Painting the hinges is not cool - despite being "cheap" material, the end product is finished perfectly and individually hand painted/crafted/art.

My question is, rather than plated brass (which is nice), I'd REALLY love to provide the hinges colour coded to the boxes by powder coating them.

Does anyone know how one would power coat metals at home, with good quality results without death-toxic fogs of cancer? Kits? Process? Magic?

P.S. I ask, as every powder coating company wants a new Ferrari for the driveway for doing 500 hinges...

(This is only a side comment, but gosh-darn willikers is it hard to get stuff manufactured for you here. It seems like we don't make a single damned thing - engineering companies seem to be just importers from a catalogue. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get hinges made for you.... i.e, YOU CAN'T)

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