Aldi Media Player

samedi 28 mars 2015

I just bought an Aldi Android Media Player with the aim to play movies and music from a 1Tb HDD on our network.

I have put a lot of our CD collection on the HDD but I have 2 problems with playing music.

First of all I can only get it to play the music through our TV via the supplied HDMI cable. When I plug a cable in to the AV Out socket I can't get sound, either by pluging it in to the TV AV In connection and choosing that as the Source va the TV menu, or by plugging it in to one of the Yamaha amp's inputs.

The other issue I have is with shuffle. In the car I can put a selection of albums on a USB stick and play different tracks at Random from all albums on the stick.

On the Aldi Media player when I select shuffle it will only shuffle the tracks on the selected album.

Any help greatly appreciated.

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