Perfect sockets for spheres?

lundi 23 mars 2015

SWMBO has me making stands that she puts little terrariums in. They are hand blown spheres.

Up to now I've been making sockets for them to sit in. The sockets are cut with big (huge!) Forstners bits. There are three different spheres and three different socket sizes.

She says they are fine, but I find the flat bottoms ugly. It lacks pizazz.

I've been trying to come up with a way of making a circular and concave indentation in wood that is smooth, accurate and replicable. The bottom of the sphere would optimally match the cavity and sit flush.

There may be 3 sockets per board and each board may be up to 40cm the lathe is out.

My feeble intellect can't create any ideas on how to do this..... Keep in mind this isn't a one-off hand carving job....I may have to make 400 of these for the markets.... :(

Any ideas brains trust?

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