How did he make this?

lundi 23 mars 2015

Quite a few years ago a family friend made this pot for us. He made it at a time when I didn't have much interest or knowledge about metalwork. He is now deceased unfortunately. It's a pot that we have used for boiling tomato sauce bottles among other things. The bloke that made it would have only had basic tools and was not a metal worker. I know he had an arc welder and perhaps an angle grinder. I believe he took a beer keg and modified to make this pot. I don't know much about beer kegs but can anyone tell me what type of metal this would likely be and how did he rivet/join the handle to the top of the pot? I've been asked to make something similar and this pot is very sturdy and convenient. It has a few hammer marks which I think our family friend was responsible and I can see the welding near the bottom, apart from that I don't know much else.

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