Small projects

dimanche 31 mai 2015

Hi All,

Been a while since i shared anything on the forums so I thought that it might be nice to post some pictures of my latest little project. I've been running out of things to make since the house is covered in wood furniture now but then i noticed that our medicine box is a crappy ikea cardboard job so a new project was started. I got my hands on some nice redgum with the idea to resaw it on the bandy. Little did i realise the trouble this would be later. Anyway the 170x40 was resawn to 170 x 12(ish)....all good until i realised that what was previously a perfectly square piece of wood was holding some radial tension that resulted in some convex 170x12 boards. It wasn't too drastic so i just pushed on with the view that i would account for that when gluing. It was also at that stage that i realised that redgum doesn't plane very nicely, even with a freshly sharpened blade (to 8000g) and a very shallow cut. The alternating grain was a pain so out came the belt sander. As you can imagine the result was not pretty with some decent variance in thickness, not ideal but again i pushed on.

Anyway i managed to use my Mathias Wandel like finger joint jig on my router table to get some fairly tight 1/4in fingers for the corners and then butchered my way to fit the top into a 5mm rabbet also done on the router table (i don't have a table saw which would have been really handy for that). The result was a so so fit and a lot more time than it should have taken but i'm reasonably happy with the result. Oh and the insert was just a bit of fun with the chisels, note the tearout from the ever frustrating redgum again. The sanding was down to 360g and the finish is a couple of coats of F&W Scandinavian Oil.



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