Opportunity Knocks

jeudi 28 mai 2015

The Sydney Timber and Wood Working Show will be on this year at Sydney Olympic Park.

While browsing the Sydney Olympic Park website I noticed that Cake Bake and Sweets Show is on at exactly the same time.


The hobby that I enjoy(wood working) seems to have the majority that are males. I am not saying that this is particularly a bad thing just that when couples attend wood working shows one partner might not be as enthusiastic.

If people were considering attending the Sydney TWWWS then might be worth bringing a partner to also scoot across to the Cake Bake and Sweets Show.

I know that if I was not looking after the forum stand I might wander across myself. When it comes to cooking I need all the help I can get. I am not say that I burn water but I have been know to under cook it. :laughing1:

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