another newbie, with some questions

mardi 2 décembre 2014

My 13 year old son and I recently took the plunge and bought a lathe on eBay. we're both keen to learn how to use it properly, and I've got a couple of motorbikes in the shed that need rebuilding, so we might get to make upa few new parts.

We bought a Qualos Junior, in decent condition, with all of the plastic gears intact and a set of back gears. it was miles away from where we lived, but it seemed worth it. as luck would have it, the next week we were offered a Hercus at a very good price, so we bought that too!.

we now have a dismantled Qualos, with most of the parts pained and waiting for reassembly, and a metric ARM Hercus. anyone want to buy a Qualos Junior?

Anyway, the lathe has not been used much over the last ten years. Having rebuilt motorbikes in the past, I've got some mechanical know how. Checking the headstock last night, the oilers seemed to be full of what looked like partly solidified old oil. I assume that the tapered roller bearings are lubricated by a sump in the had stock casting? Can (and should ) this be drained to make sure it isn't full of bad oil?

Anything else we should be looking at before turning it back on? it appears all original including the 3 phase motor. I've read some of the discussion regarding VFD versus replacement single phase motors, and I assume that the VFD route is the best option?

Thanks for any help in advance. This forum has already been useful. If anyone has a manual for this era lathe, I'd love a copy. Pic below with serial number, which I think indicates a manufacturing year of 1973?



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