NEW Steve Hay's Woodworking Masterclass

lundi 9 novembre 2015

If this post is inappropriate for this forum I apologise, but I couldn't see where else to place it.

If you haven't checked out Steve Hay's video masterclasses they are really worthwhile. He covers a range of topics from simple constructions to fine woodworking. He has an easy going manner of delivery that is clear, concise and entertaining and the information is always good. Even if you are a seasoned wood worker it is always good to see how others approach their woodworking. You can check out his work here: and here:

If you like what you see you might consider becoming a Woodworking Masterclass "Patron". Basically you pledge to give $X per video with a maximum of $X per month. You can pledge as little as $1 per video. The idea behind seeking patronage is that, rather than imposing a subscription system, Steve would like to keep his content free, while giving him a financial base from which to keep delivering content and expanding the scope of what he does. There are various "rewards" depending on which level of patronage you sign up for. If you feel you want to support this project you can sign up here:

PLEASE NOTE: I am in no way affiliated with or compensated by Steve Hay for this review, neither is he a personal friend or relative. I discovered his content online and love what he is doing and as such have signed up with my support. I'm posting here because I think he produces an excellent product, but also because I believe that it is important to support people like Steve Hay as much as we can. After all, as artisans, who amongst us has not dreamed of making a living, however humble, from what we love best. Just a small commitment will keep Steve creating his content.

NEW Steve Hay's Woodworking Masterclass

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