Replacing rotten bargeboard on house

lundi 30 novembre 2015


Bit of an issue in finding some matching replacement bargeboard for about 1m of rotten section on end of house.

House is ~30yrs old and the local hardware stores only stock the style of bargeboard (bullnose on one side) but not wide enough (short by about 20mm).

e.g. (

Everything else is a match, thickness and style is fine, just seems like everyone went to some new width at some stage and I'm left with something that doesnt exist anymore.

I dont want to do both ends of the house for the sake of such a small section, what would you guys suggest?

I was thinking maybe I could buy the wrong stuff, then with an extra meter of it I could cut the flat (opposite bullnose) end for the extra 20mm and glue to the original piece to make it wide enough to match with the existing board? hopefully I could putty/sand it back to flat?

Hope I explained that OK, what would you do?

Replacing rotten bargeboard on house

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