Just How many of our problems a really due to getting older?

lundi 30 novembre 2015

Well, I'm convinced the medicos are about as ignorant as the rest of us.

For years I have had aches and pains and, at times, real lethargy.

I have had a double bypass and have a stent. I also have a VP shunt as a
result of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus.

For some years I was on medication - statins - to lower my blood cholesterol.
I was overweight and my blood sugars were always just below the limit.

I went on a low carb high fat regime. I lost about 26 kilos, the blood sugars dropped
to somewhere nearly out of sight. My HDLs were wonderful and my LDLS were the best
they had been in years. Triglycerides were good. Dandruff disappeared, psoriasis in
the ears vanished, I stopped having to clear nose 4 and 5 times a night. I slept better.
The cardio took me off statins and my aches and pains retired.

I am still on the eating regime but the doc put me back on statins after a trip overseas
when it wasn't possible to eat as was good for me.Aches and pains returned with a vengence
but at first I did not relate this to statins. A blood test showed high - very high - creatin levels
and the cardio ordered me to stop the statins immediately. The aches and pains disappeared!
I also weened my self off antidepressants. I feel generally better than I have for many, many years.

Now I am told by my cardio that there are raging arguments in the medical fraternity regarding
the effective of statins and of fishoil. Surely science is science?? I know when I was on high doses
of fish oil along with a normal dose of clopidigral I bruised like buggery. Halved the dose of fish oil
and things are fine. Go figure.

My urologist tells me that stains are one thing he would not prescribe ( because of what they do
to the kidneys).

The GPs I have dealt with since moving here are not really up with enough. One didn't want
anything done with regards to the NPH - old age!!!, another who I saw as an emergency wanted
to change the whole of my cardio prescribed blood pressure regime. I chided my GP about the lack
of education regarding triglycerides and he took that well saying he would be more cognisant of this
in future.

In talking with others it appears that too many in the medical profession are far too inclined to
simply accept the served up by the pharmaceutical companies and use that as the basis
for many of their treatments. Not good enough!!

Bit of a dis connected ramble but I had to have a grumble.

PS> cognitive behavioural therapy leaves pills in its wake!! and it eventually costs far less.

Just How many of our problems a really due to getting older?

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