QLD Cheap Red Gum Boards

mercredi 2 septembre 2015


I bought a giant stack of River Red Gum a while back. There is just way too much of it, so I've decided to cull some.

Full disclosure: These are the boards I didn't want. Some have burn damage, some have an exceptional number of gum veins, and some have had some borer damage.

Nonetheless, there is still quite a bit of useable timber in this lot.

Asking $50 for the lot. Includes 12 boards over 2m long with widths ranging from (All measurements are estimates) 100mm to 300mm and thicknesses from 17mm to 28mm.

Boards are rough sawn and very well seasoned.

Also including three glued panels at 1m x 50cm and two glued panels at 50cm x 50cm and a pile of very useable offcuts all around 18-25mm thick.

Feel free to come have a look. Dutton Park, Brisbane.

I'm going to put a stipulation on this sale. If you buy any of it, you have to take it all. I'm pricing this at a steal so that someone will jump on it because I want it all gone ASAP.

Hope to hear from someone soon.


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