Indiscriminate Selling of Goods via PM

samedi 5 septembre 2015

I've gotten a few PMs in the past couple of months from people selling things.

Just to clarify, I'm not talking about someone saying something like "Hey Luke, based on prior communication with you, I know that you like (blank), so I thought I would offer you first pick on this (blank) that I'm selling".

That's fine, and I encourage it.

I'm talking about glorified spam. A PM from someone selling bulk goods (timber) who has obviously sent the PM to a number of other people and copy/pasted it. By sending it via PM, the seller is also spamming my email account via notification of the PM.

I'm not particularly cool with this.

Is this happening to anyone else? Is anyone else bothered by it?

Is there anything which can be done to prevent it happening again?

Interested in any commentary.


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