Shed for young men

samedi 15 août 2015

So it seems 'Mens Sheds' were set up for for older men with health issues!
Somewhere to go and relax with friends,do woodwork and improve ones mental state.
Fair enough.
What i would also like to see happen is the creation of 'Mens Sheds' for the use and benefit of 'young men' who find themselves with little to do and lacking esteem and social skills.
They need their own shed!
Sure they don't want to hang around with grumpy,recalcitrant old men that do nothing but bicker amongst themselves. (local men's shed consists of a handful of members who do nothing but war with each other...they leave,they come back,they leave,they come back :()
For only a few members they get a lot of funding too!
They don't realize how fortunate they are having a 'shed' to go to.
Sure the youth of this area would be a lot more grateful to have a shed as opposed to the few old grumps that think the planet revolves around them...MM:2tsup:

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