Playing with more Polymer Clay

vendredi 28 août 2015

Lindsay came around for a few things so I decided to bring out the polymer clay and show him how I do it. Expert by no means but I have a lot of fun. I usually make mine as thin as possible and then cast.

Decided on a sparkling white background, with green branches and different coloured flowers and leaves, with a few different butterflys. I tried to match a Sierra size but wasn't successful (by my standards) so will cast into Sierra Vista.
white BG3.jpg white BG2.jpg white BG1.jpg white BG4.jpg

Lindsay then had to leave, but I was hooked, so made some more. I didn't really like the white background, may have been better with white tubes but I decided to try a green background, with black branches but otherwise the same except back to my thin style for casting
green BG2.jpg green BG3.jpg green BG1.jpg

Thought both were a bit busy, so then tried a sparkling sky blue background, with white sparkling clouds, and only butterflies
blue sky1.jpg blue sky2.jpg

Me personally, don't like any of them, but I'm sure they will look ok for the girls after they are cast and made into pens

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