New library for my boss

lundi 30 novembre 2015

This is the next part of furniture for my boss.
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New library for my boss

Master PenManship the flip side of Pen Turning

This Video shows the flip side of Pen Turning, The PEN USER

Have you ever set up a stall at a Pen User market?! let me tell you that they think completely differently to you and I,

When I look at a pen I look at the type of material used to make it, the finish, whether it is a neat fit and great finish, and I may like

it for its glitz and glamour or for its simple natural look.

Pen Users look for the balance, the weight, the feel of the pen, then the nib, wide, medium narrow, finally they happen to notice the

colour and style!?! I know, I did it 4 years running, and then they will walk past your excellent pen that is just as good as the

"name" pen if not better, and pay 4 times the price and get the "name" pen!!!! can be very disheartening.

Have a look at this video, his devotion to perfection, let it permeate us here in Australia.

I love making pens, and I love it even more when it is done perfectly.!


Master PenManship the flip side of Pen Turning

Colouring with pigment

Hopefully a bit of a quick one.

I have tried casting a few bits of 'waste wood' in PR using pearl ex powders as colorants. They come out looking quite good, but as soon as I go to turn them I start noticing issues.

My first attempt I could see the brass tube quite clearly through the resin, so with my second attempt, I painted the tube with nail polish.

This worked, kinda...
But I can still see basically just the coloured tube with some very weak coloured translucent resin around it

I guess the only other thing I can think is that I am not putting enough pigment into my PR at the initial mix, or am I turning the resin too thin (only going to bushes so I don't think that's the problem)

I haven't actually measured out how much I put in, just go by how it looks. Do people have a preferred way of knowing when the right depth of colour is obtained or is it usually by eye, and I need to just be a little more heavy handed??

Thanks a bunch in advance


Colouring with pigment

Tiger Myrtle. (small hand size)

Slowly getting back into some saw making work.

Small hand size; Tiger Myrtle handle wood; as per clients request.

The handle shape after being cut out on the Scroll Saw; and the end grain sealed with shellac.

Stock thickness(24mm).


Tiger Myrtle. (small hand size)

Hinges for trifold table

Looking at replacing the table in our 5th wheeler with a trifold table.

trifold table6.jpgtrifold table4.jpg

Some I have looked at use piano hinges, others use these planar hinges.


I can't find the minimum thickness required for these, anyone have an answer for me?

The disadvantage with using piano hinges is that one is always visible when folded down.
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Hinges for trifold table

16 TPI thread

Hi guys.
i know I asked this question a long time ago but I'm trying to cut an imperial thread 16 tpi
the lathe chart asked for a Z gear and I can't rember which one I used last time

Read the full thread at

16 TPI thread

Finish on different projects - Expand my experience

I have not done a lot of projects but the ones I have done, I have mostly finished with a Satin Cabothane. Mostly over a stain. Once over raw timber. I have always been happy with this in general terms.

I would like to get experience in different finishes.

I have currently one project ready to finish and another one in mind.
1 Draws (pine) under a work bench and timber trim (Tas Oak) to home built saw table top
2 Lazy Susan with a possible inlay on it (plan to use some sort of timber of what I think is pine)

I guess the workshop items would be best in something with a bit of hardness. I do have some Traditional Wax and was thinking about that but after research I am starting to go away from that. However, I don't know what way to go.

The timber I plan to use for the LS is re-cycled from an old table top I picked up some 20 years ago from a furniture manufacturer that was closing down. It has some type of finish on it from when I picked it up - but when you get it back to raw, is is quite light - near white. I originally used some of it on chairs as slats for the seats. I put a polyurathane on the slats but they went quite honey colored within a short time. I would like to retain as much of the lighter colour as possible and not have it go honey coloured. I don't know even know if that is possible.

Must have been a good tree as the 2 pieces I have left are about 400 & 500 wide both solid. Wish I knew what type of timber it is!

Would appreciate some options/recommendations on finishes from you more experienced people.


Finish on different projects - Expand my experience

deliberately stiring it up

Was doing a bit of work on the tablesaw today. It was for finger joints for a box.

I noticed that the dado was causing quite the stir in the tablesaw cabinet and it had me thinking.... why not make a fan inside to REALLY stir it up so the dust collector can scavenge it better.

Anyone done anything like this?

I've only a 2hp dusty with pleated filter. It collects the dust, but does not scavenge the cabinet. I normally blow it out weekly with compressed air with the collector running.

deliberately stiring it up

What Fuse to Use

Hello Gents

I have installed a BlackVue car cam into the dragons car, that was the easy part. To install the PowerMagic hard wired controller I will be using the "add a fuse" device. As i am not eletronic smart when trying to work out what fuse amperage i need, theses are the ratings on the device.

Rated current 1A, Max 2A/Below 200mA

My qusetion is, what amp fuse do I need..


What Fuse to Use

Bow knife blades

I`m wondering if there is a supplier here in OZ ?

Bow knife blades

Day 1 of the 12 Days of Christmas Sale


The Sandpaper Man is running 12 Days of Christmas sale from 1-12 December. Each day an email will be sent out to subscribers with that day's special, containing a Coupon Code.
Sign up for our newsletter here.
By the way, today is the 1st December, and the special is on Oscillating Spindle Sander Sleeves, and Coupon Code is RUDOLPH to receive 10% off Sanding Sleeves.
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Day 1 of the 12 Days of Christmas Sale

workshop FORK LIFT 1999 Shinko Electric Ace

Fork lift Shinko Model FBK182, 1999 model, comes with 240v single phase charging unit, goes great, plenty of tread on soild rubber tyres, lifts 1180kg, 2 stage lift to 4.3m, only 1.96m high machine so fits inside shipping contaniers for unloading, has tilt / side shift, check images attached for more specs and pics, puchased 2008 can supply receipts, inspection welcome Kingston, Brisbane QLD
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workshop FORK LIFT 1999 Shinko Electric Ace

Osage Orange

This is the latest pen made, from Osage Orange that I had from Allan of Wallan.:)
A few little tips are on the photos, also some typos!!:oo:


Osage Orange

Panel Saw SCM Model S115F

Panel Saw S115F, rolling table and scrib, works well and is powered up and can be tested, contact tony 0409764190
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Panel Saw SCM Model S115F

Mackay Cedar

Hi, Just wanting some advice re some mackay cedar that I have available. It is in weatherboard style, used on the inside of an old house (approximately 100 + years old). Currently still painted green and as is from demolishing the house. Various lengths (not sure of measurements) but some small and some rather long. Just wanting to know if anyone would have any idea on value??? Many thanks.:)

Mackay Cedar


Our club was give a number of cypress logs ass the resul tof some clearing at on of the local
foreshore areas. The clearing caused caused some controversy but what is done is done.

The newly made chainsaw slabbing rig was set up and away the boys went. Cutting was very slow.
Once the first slab was removed the reason became apparent. Three roofing screws that had been
overgrown by the bark, and were therefore not visible, had been cut through.

A warning that next time the members should use their METAL detector!!!!!


Fastcap Kaizen foam

Anyone know of anyone selling this in Australia? Neither Timbecon or CWS are holding it now.

Fastcap Kaizen foam

Workshop Wet & Dry Vacuum

Two interesting incidents with vacuum cleaners prompted me to purchase a Wet/Dry off the pallet in Bunnings, an Ozito metal can cheapy.

The first incident was using my wife's ancient residential Rainbow which uses a water bath to clean the dust out of the airstream ( no bag ) to capture Stink Beatles off our lime tree - very successful and I can recommend it.

The second was to use an old horizontal bag Electrolux to suck up spilt wine and water/detergent off the carpets in my van.
Got the carpet clean but disposed of the cleaner after the workshop power tripped off - not successful and not recommended.

When the Ozito box was opened, discovered the instructions state that one must use the Foam Filter sleeve over the fan housing when using for wet vac, and the Filter Bag when using for dry vac.

Damn it - I wanted a "Wet and Dry" like my wife's Rainbow, not a "Wet or Dry".

Tried it out on swarf/dirt off the workshop floor with the Foam Filter.
Most of the spoil was in the bottom of the can, but there was some on the filter element.

Is anybody tinkering to get these vacs to work better on both wet and dry without changing filter elements ?


Read the full thread at

Workshop Wet & Dry Vacuum

Christmas Trees

Some small Christmas tress I have turned recently. They are made from Huon Pine, Camphour, and an offcut of some dark wood I had around, not sure what it is. Finished in estapol.

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Christmas Trees

Tide Clock

A Christmas present I have made for a fisherman. A tide clock with temperature and humidity.

Made from some red cedar I had, and finished with high gloss poly.
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Tide Clock

Hommel Werke unusual micrometer

Hi Guys,
Not sure if anyone saw this on eBay but i bought it. I assume its for measuring shapes with an uneven number of sides, and maybe tools with an odd number of flutes.

2 of the mic heads can be moved the the positions for different sided shapes as marked, whilst the other head remains fixed. It looks like it measures from the center out, so if you were measuring a cylinder you would be reading the radius not the dia.

The other large is a setting master, it fits in the frame so you can set all 3 heads correctly. Well i think so...The 2 knurled rings i have no idea about, they fit over the mics but why i'm not sure.

Anyone seen one before? Maybe BT has some literature? Being a Hommel Werke it is very nicely made but it has really limited uses.
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Read the full thread at

Hommel Werke unusual micrometer

Liquid Amber Pods

Well my sons street has these trees on the nature strip both sides of the road for roughly 2Km's
with that much inventory available i thought i had better have a go at making blanks out of them
this is the first attempt, What other color combination would an Aussie pick :D
Cast under Pressure, however there was still a few small air pockets which so far have been easily filled with CA
all in all i am very happy with the result shown in the 2 pens
i also have a cigar style ready that i hope to turn tomorrow night and about 2 more slabs worth of pods ready for casting

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Liquid Amber Pods

Just How many of our problems a really due to getting older?

Well, I'm convinced the medicos are about as ignorant as the rest of us.

For years I have had aches and pains and, at times, real lethargy.

I have had a double bypass and have a stent. I also have a VP shunt as a
result of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus.

For some years I was on medication - statins - to lower my blood cholesterol.
I was overweight and my blood sugars were always just below the limit.

I went on a low carb high fat regime. I lost about 26 kilos, the blood sugars dropped
to somewhere nearly out of sight. My HDLs were wonderful and my LDLS were the best
they had been in years. Triglycerides were good. Dandruff disappeared, psoriasis in
the ears vanished, I stopped having to clear nose 4 and 5 times a night. I slept better.
The cardio took me off statins and my aches and pains retired.

I am still on the eating regime but the doc put me back on statins after a trip overseas
when it wasn't possible to eat as was good for me.Aches and pains returned with a vengence
but at first I did not relate this to statins. A blood test showed high - very high - creatin levels
and the cardio ordered me to stop the statins immediately. The aches and pains disappeared!
I also weened my self off antidepressants. I feel generally better than I have for many, many years.

Now I am told by my cardio that there are raging arguments in the medical fraternity regarding
the effective of statins and of fishoil. Surely science is science?? I know when I was on high doses
of fish oil along with a normal dose of clopidigral I bruised like buggery. Halved the dose of fish oil
and things are fine. Go figure.

My urologist tells me that stains are one thing he would not prescribe ( because of what they do
to the kidneys).

The GPs I have dealt with since moving here are not really up with enough. One didn't want
anything done with regards to the NPH - old age!!!, another who I saw as an emergency wanted
to change the whole of my cardio prescribed blood pressure regime. I chided my GP about the lack
of education regarding triglycerides and he took that well saying he would be more cognisant of this
in future.

In talking with others it appears that too many in the medical profession are far too inclined to
simply accept the served up by the pharmaceutical companies and use that as the basis
for many of their treatments. Not good enough!!

Bit of a dis connected ramble but I had to have a grumble.

PS> cognitive behavioural therapy leaves pills in its wake!! and it eventually costs far less.

Just How many of our problems a really due to getting older?

NSW OzzieJig

Selling new in box OzzieJig. I have had this for several years now but have not used it. Not an auction. $250 or best offer.

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NSW OzzieJig

A simple commission

As luck would have my woodturning 'skills' (ok lets be honest, the fact that I own lathe .... or two, and various tools to go with) got out into the business world.

Cant say it will mke me rich but it will cover the power bill and. Ost of materials lol.

Anyway enough dribble! The commission - turn a jewelery peg. The specs as below.

For those of you who need reminding ... this is a family forum ;)

At my club we turned a prototype Friday night. Not quite to spec but close

That was out of Murray pine. Client wants blonde. Phew they settled on murray pine. I have a heap. Damn its all split.

Ok so i know where there is a lump of mystery pine. I think they said hoop. So long as it does not look like radiata

Ita a big chunk at 320 square and 600 long. And my wife has my good saws from bushmiller. This just aint gonna cut it.

Dave TTC
Turning Wood Into Art

A simple commission

NSW Taper cutting jig

I have 2 of the taper cutting jigs below. 1 has been assembled and the other is still in the original plastic.


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NSW Taper cutting jig

Dust size with Arbortech power carving?

I have just started to try my hand at carving with an Arbortech TURBOPlane and mini-TURBO sander. Lots of fun and I was pretty happy with the result for a first try - a platter in Northern Silky Oak that I laminated together for the practice. BUT I was horrified at the amount of grit I got covered in even though I stood in an open garage doorway with two fans behind me. What I would like to know is whether these machines produce the fine dust that is really dangerous for the lungs? If so, what is the best means to stay safe while using one? I have a full-face respirator but, in 30 degree heat, they are very uncomfortable.



Dust size with Arbortech power carving?

Save my lawn!


These photos were taken a week apart. Before it was lush green, shademaster buffalo which was growing so fast i needed to trim it twice a week. We had one very hot day last Thursday (40+) and then boom it's turned to hay! Surely one hot day cant do this? When I got home on the hot day I gave it a good drink, but it still seems to be dying off in larger areas.
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Read the full thread at

Save my lawn!

Replacing rotten bargeboard on house


Bit of an issue in finding some matching replacement bargeboard for about 1m of rotten section on end of house.

House is ~30yrs old and the local hardware stores only stock the style of bargeboard (bullnose on one side) but not wide enough (short by about 20mm).

e.g. (

Everything else is a match, thickness and style is fine, just seems like everyone went to some new width at some stage and I'm left with something that doesnt exist anymore.

I dont want to do both ends of the house for the sake of such a small section, what would you guys suggest?

I was thinking maybe I could buy the wrong stuff, then with an extra meter of it I could cut the flat (opposite bullnose) end for the extra 20mm and glue to the original piece to make it wide enough to match with the existing board? hopefully I could putty/sand it back to flat?

Hope I explained that OK, what would you do?

Replacing rotten bargeboard on house

Poang chairs

dimanche 29 novembre 2015

Some of you may know these chairs from IKEA,They are made with bent, laminated frames.

Mine are getting on and I am sanding them back and doing some re-gluing here and there.

What would people recommend as a finish as they will be outdoors. The wife wants me to use
some decking finish we have but I'm not so sure.

Poang chairs

Helmet Safety and Crepe Cleaning Block

1 Wear your masks- had a piece of wood let go at fairly high speed on Saturday, bounce off my light and clip me on the arm on the way past. Did not break the bone but it was a near thing and doctor is impressed at how quickly the large wound is healing. I am still not sure if it bounced off my mask which I had put on only a few moments before!!! Which begs the question: appreciate advice on advantages vs disadvantages on plastic vs metal mesh shields.
2: Anyone know a source of crepe cleaning block or equivalent to prolong my sand papers/belts


Helmet Safety and Crepe Cleaning Block

Sheoak Timber

Hi I have a few sheoak trees on my property which im going to cut down. Wondering if anyone wanted the logs to use for something some are about 30cm diameter. Email me if interested or after pics Thanks. Located in Martin Western Australia

Sheoak Timber

WTB: Bed extension for Teknatool Nova 3000 series Wood Lathe

As the title says, I'm looking for a Bed Extension to suite a Teknatool Nova 3000 Series Wood Lathe (e.g. Nova 3000, Nova 3000 DVR, and maybe one or two other 3000 variants).

The bed extensions from the newer model Nova Lathes (e.g. Nova 1624-44, Nova DVR XP, DVR 2024, etc) have a different bed profile, and will not fit the 3000 series lathes.

Edited: 1/12/2015

Thought I'd better include some more information ......

The first image is cut from the Nova 3000 Owner's Manual, and shows the approximate profile of teh Bed Extension for a 3000 Series Lathe.

3000 Series Bed Extension Profile .png
The Next image shows the approximate profile of the current model Bed Extension. Note the Triangular webs along the sides of the bed. Those webs, and a different profile in general, mean that the newer design bed extension will not fit a 3000 series Lathe.

Current Model Nova Bed Extension Profile.png

So, if you've got a Teknatool Nova 3000 Series Bed Extension laying around gathering dust, and you're interested in selling it, send me a PM .....



WTB: Bed extension for Teknatool Nova 3000 series Wood Lathe

festool ets150/3 eq brushes - when to get?

I need your advice O wise ones!

I've an ETS150/3 EQ. It's seen a lot of good work (potentially quite a bit) and I'd like to see it keep going. It is a superb machine and I'm enjoying it greatly.

I'm concerned that the brushes might be getting low.

If they do "run out", will they shove something nasty into the armature and effectively destroy it like so many other tools out there, or is there some sort of safety limiter stopping this foul end from occurring?

Ordering isn't a problem, that covered easily enough, but I don't want to replace something that will either give me 12 months more work or will "just stop" when the brush refuses to spring any further in. The last would be ideal :)

festool ets150/3 eq brushes - when to get?

Couple of birds

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo taken down the river yesterday.
White-bellied Blue Heron taken out the back of our place this morning. He was quite a long way off and I had just switched from the 600 lense to the 300 S--t happens.
Cheers Frank

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Couple of birds


