Reviving the finish on a Piano

samedi 12 décembre 2015

Hello all. I have a question that I probably should know the answer to, but not entirely sure.

I have a grand piano 100+ years old. I think it's made of mahogany and has been French polished. The finish is quite poor and at some stage it will be redone.

its got some quite deep scratches and a couple of white marks from vases (one new, one 40 years old) what can I do to improve the appearance of it now? I'd say over the years it's been washed, wiped, mr sheen'd, furniture polished and waxed.

My thoughts are to cleanse the surface and apply wax.... Or would a coloured wax be better to help disguise the scratches? Any help would be appreciated. It's dark brown and in some spots (mostly on the sides) the stain is a little streaky

Im also wondering, when it does get refinished, do I have to take it somewhere, or can it be done in my home?

Reviving the finish on a Piano

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