More spice boxes

samedi 12 décembre 2015

After success with my first efforts (see here) for spice boxes for my eldest daughter to her specification, I recently received a request for more boxes which will be packaged up today and driven down by family to Ipswich Qld in time for Xmas.

Box of Maple Silkwood

Box of jarrah with Qld Silver Ash slipfeathers

Box of Jarrah and Huon Pine

All boxes are 260 x 200 x 80 and of 9mm thick timber, and finished with Kunos #244 Oil thinned with an additional 50% of Livos thinner. Base is 4mm thick marine ply.

There is a 4th spice box not shown here, made of Western Red Cedar which I have had trouble finishing. It looks beautiful when wiped down with white spirits. So far have tried up to 15 coats of one finish or another. The timber is so soft that I wanted a finish that would be relatively hard, so tried FW Floor Seal without success, and now trying for the first time FW Wipe on Poly, thinking the poly skin would be fairly hard. There is a technique to doing wipe on poly that I haven't mastered yet, after 10 coats and a few sanding right back. This last box is now getting dangerously close to the scrap bin.

Digressing a bit, Ipswich is to Brisbane is the Qld equivalent in terms of distance and socio-economic status as Penrith is to Sydney, and things take time to arrive by post. Our last package sent this week to Ipswich was collected from my daughter's PO Box by a stranger, and opened, despite the two large address labels. Fortunately my daughter arrived soon after the parcel was given to this stranger and the silly staff fortunately remembered who took it and were able to retrieve it next day. Bloody Aust Post !!
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More spice boxes

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