Beyond a Joke

lundi 2 juin 2014

For some years I have been concerned about two organizations that seem to be answerable to nobody.

FIFA and the IOC.

Again allegations of bribery have emerged concerning FIFA. Australia spent $43million dollars in its bid to get

the world cup and ended up with one vote!

Brazil is a mess in terms of the world cup. Many of the problems there can only be laid at the feet of the countryitself but, if the Brazilian press is to be believed, FIFA has something to answer for. Hospitals have been closed to locals at the behest of FIFA so foreigners and players can be treated. I have read of one case of an extremely ill person being refused admittance to his hospital.Millions upon millions of dollars have been diverted from public facilities such as schools and hospitals to meet FIFA's exacting demands.

For the Olympic games the same thing is happening. It goes further because people are being moved from their houses and the houses pulled down. This is causing all sorts of extra problems both socially and financially.

I am sick of these de facto "governments" swanning around the planet and distrubuting largess as they see fit to the highest bidder.

i wonder if the Olympics in Sydney in 2000 were really worth the money? Were they profitable or a financial disaster that has been hidden?

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