Some thing to watch out for - angle grinder incident

samedi 12 décembre 2015

I recently purchased a new welder and was keen to place it where my previous welder was located, on a shelf underneath the top of my metal work bench.
Unfortunately the shelf was not tall enough so I figured I would cut the welded shelf support brackets off and just re-weld them lower down.
The shelf support brackets were made of 25 x25 x 5 mm angle iron.

Using an angle grinder with a thin kerf cutting wheel and full safety PPE (full face shield, muffs, steel caps and leather welding apron) I started to cut the first of the support brackets.
What I did not realise what that the bracket was under significant compression within the frame of the workbench, so the moment I cut through the bracket it snapped closed onto the rotating thin kerf wheel.
The net effect was to pull mu hand forward and smash the knuckles of my right hand holding the handle of the angle grinder into the steel leg of the work bench.
Most of the force was taken by the top of the index finger just under the nail, not really that big a deal, it just split the skin and bled like a stuck pig and yep it hurt.

It also took a 1/2 a 20c size chunk out of the thin kerf wheel so that the whole angle grinder vibrated badly and of course had to throw the wheel away. Interestingly it did not shatter the wheel.

With the remaining brackets I inserted a sash cramp between the relevant legs to hold the shelf bracket under slight tension so that when the angle grinder cut through it held the cut open.

On reflection I should have taken some photos but I though I would relay the incident anyway as it is probably more common than is though possible.

Some thing to watch out for - angle grinder incident

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