Router table decision time

lundi 21 décembre 2015

I've been wrestling with the decision on which router table and fence setup to get, build one/buy one/which one AAARGGGHHH.

I've had some awesome comments on this forum that have given me other options to look at but now I'm at decision time and I've come to a grinding halt.

The only thing I have decide so far is that I will purchase a commercially made top and fence system, I may build a stand and/or cabinet or I may purchase one but the table and fence system will be purchased.

My main uses for the table (at the moment) are building boxes and building cabinet doors. I am going to immerse myself in hand cut dovetails but I do want to be able to cut dovetails on the table as well.

My 3 biggest areas of indecision at the moment are

1. Incra LS with Wonder Fence OR normal fence like a wookpeckers

2. Table material - I've read horror stories about all of them, cast iron, Phenolic and MDF

3 . Router lift or no router lift

If anyone's gone through this and come out the other side with their sanity intact and some satisfaction in the final decision, I'd love to hear from you.

The 3 setups I am currently looking at are

or a similar setup from


Router table decision time

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