New (to me) odd Biax scrapers

mardi 22 décembre 2015

I just received my (own) Christmas present in the mail today:
I bought two Biax scrapers in Germany in a 'package deal'.
This was the result of me getting outbid on an eBay ad over there and asking the seller if he had any more.... sometimes it is useful to know another language... ;)

Both were of unknown condition and that was obviously reflected in the price.
One is a 180W 7E, but designed to run on 42V (AC or DC). I guess for some kind of specialised power environment (maybe on ships?). I only had a 36V 3A DC power supply to hand to try it, and it works fine - albeit a little slow, as expected.
7E small.jpg

The other one is an identical scraper head, but driven by a compressed air motor - deignated 'Model PL' ("Pressluft" = Compressed air).
It also works, but VERY SLOW. I'll pull it apart after Christmas and see what's going on. My guess is the vanes are chipped, going by the large air volume throughput. THe gearbox and the nutation mechanism is fine. I've already checked that out.
So a little 'project' that one.
PL small.jpg

If anyone has a spare mains transformer with 42 to 48V secondary output at 4 or 5A handy, let me know for the E7 :)
Attached Images

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New (to me) odd Biax scrapers

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