Mathematics and Woodies: Does it matter?

mercredi 23 décembre 2015

I was reading a very interesting thread on the forum yesterday and the question of the usefulness of mathematics came us,almost in passing. Well I read it and I thought- I will be silent. Say nothing. I know that most people either think maths is boring or useless or boring and useless. People who like the thing must at best be a bit odd.

So I tried to say nothing-I really did. Yesterday I wrote a reply and deleted it. But it did not work.

You see I think mathematics matters to Woodies.

The problem with mathematics is four-fold
1. Mathematics can be a bit hard to follow and can often be very hard to follow
2. Most people don't seem to enjoy it much
3. Despite one and two we all (everybody) rely on the products of modern mathematics everyday.
4. The applications of mathematics that we use are hidden from most of us and so we can go through life totally oblivious to the fact that somebody, somewhere has understood and applied some advanced mathematical skills to make the technology we use possible.

So how might a Woodie rely upon the products of modern mathematics.

Well if you are reading this then you have accessed the internet and the logic of the internet and the computer technology behind it is awash with mathematics, strange things with weird names like Boolean Algebra. If you have ever used Google to search for a new chisel then you have used the Eigen Value of a matrix to order your search results.

The band saw or table saw you have- it would never have been made unless somebody somewhere knew enough mathematics to build and design it.

I have been out hunting for a shop to purchase a bit of timber and have been lost. No worries I have a GPS. Well the GPS would not work without a whole bunch of complex maths, including an understanding of Relativity.

In fact, if right now, you could remove the products of modern mathematics from your life you would find yourself sitting naked, on the ground and in the dark. Most of your tools would disappear. (If you are already sitting naked in the dark then you would not notice so much change.)

Now I suppose you could take the view that who cares so long as I have a band saw and some timber and my computer works when I am trying to find the best price for some glue. But I actually think that the general ignorance of technology matters. I do not mean that we should all wander off to university and start a maths degree. But we should at least take whatever steps we can to understand the technology that we use. Woodies are self-reliant chaps. We like to do stuff for ourselves. It is one small way in which we can win back a small part of the world from the control of others. To the extent we do, we increase our freedom. Knowledge is power. I can now sharpen my own saws and the person who showed me how empowered me. Once I was at the mercy of another man's skills. If the power ever gets removed from my shed I will miss my table saw, but the construction of useful objects will go on. I have enough rudimentary skills to construct most things without the reliance on electric power. To some small extent I have expanded the area of my freedom.

I think the same thing applies to technology. A technologically advanced society demands specialisation and few of us can have either the time or the inclination to master very much of the intricate web of knowledge that underlies the technology we use every day. But we should not just abandon the whole thing as useless (for it most certainly is not) or somebody else's business. We should, to whatever level we can, inform ourselves and take control. That is what Woodies do best.

And do not be dismayed if friends and family think you are a bit odd. Chances are they already do.

Mathematics and Woodies: Does it matter?

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