Fletty's new shed WIP ....or is it a retrospective??

dimanche 13 décembre 2015

I've sort of retired and my dream, other than winning Lotto and buying the Terry, Phoebe, Colen cabinet, is to expand my shed to let me do MORE woodwork in a space that is big enough that l don't have to go outside to change my mind. Another hobby of mine due for resurrection, is leadlighting and strangely my first free man commission is to make a set of leadlit windows!
My current shed, which has been disparagingly described as fletty' tadis (by others :roll:!), to my eyes, looked a bit like this....


.... although in truth, it often looked like this


and, worse still, like this....


In this little space, l had made sets of 3 tables and 6 chairs, but it was a chore and some pieces got bumped and damaged even before leaving the shed. There is no way I could make a set of leadlit windows in here. The time has come to do something about it. My thanks to those who had noticed that I currently wasn't making anything, hadn't joined the Christmas toy challenge, was exhibiting other signs of withdrawal and so enquired after my health, both physical and mental!
And so, fletty' shed build commencith!
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Fletty's new shed WIP ....or is it a retrospective??

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