Check here every week for a new antique item from Arthur's tool box!

jeudi 10 décembre 2015

Hi Guys.

Rather than create a new post every week for my series of "What's in Arthur's tool box", I thought I might just keep adding to this thread. Any thoughts?
For those just joining the thread, Arthur was my Great grandfather who was a cabinet maker and spent many years working at Everleigh locomotive depot in Australia working on timber carriages for NSW railways. If you have every been in an Australian 1st class carriage from the early 1900's you may have seen some of his work.
I was fortunate enough to inherit his total kit (toolbox and workbench) because I was the only carpenter and joiner in the family for 2 generations, none of the kit has gone to other family members. That is a rare thing to happen.

Here is a link to the playlist which is added to weekly.

And here is a link to the latest installment added 10 December 2015.

Come back late in the week to see if I have added any new links.

I hope you get enough time to watch, usually 4 minutes each episode. And also if you get the chance, you can subscribe to my Youtube channel which is mostly about building tips but also a bit about my little Pug dog who is a character. The ladies seem to love him. I don't charge anything for you to watch, subscribing just makes the channel more popular.

Why do I encourage people to subscribe?
The benefit for you is that an email is sent to you when I release a new video.
The benefit to me is the more subscribers I have, the more popular the channel is.
Having a popular channel encourages me to create more content for it. As no one else is involved, just me doing the camera work, editing, producing, content etc, I need all the encouragement I can muster.


Check here every week for a new antique item from Arthur's tool box!

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