Looking for advice 12" SCMS

mercredi 23 décembre 2015

Hi all,

I've been shopping for a SCMS now for a few months and I am narrowing down my choices. My upcoming projects include a fence , shed, picnic table, benches, chairs, new shelves for the wife's garden shed and some garden boxes for my wife's garden. I like the Bosh glider as my shop will be in the shed I have to build and it will be very very small at best. The Dewalt 780 seems to get pretty good reviews except for it's sliding mechanism. Then there is the Bosch slider. I haven't read much about this one but my local green shed has them to look at. The Milwaukee looks nice too. I have a number of 90x90 posts to cut so I'm looking for something that can cut them in one pass. Can any of you comment on the above saws. This is a hobby for me but I like to make nice things when I do. Thanks in advance guys.

BOSCH GCM 12 GDL 2000W 305Mm

DEWALT DWS780-XE 1675W 305MM
BOSCH GCM 12 SD 1800W 305MM



Looking for advice 12" SCMS

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