Air filters

dimanche 22 février 2015

I just got quoted around $80 for a replacement front filter from Carbatec seemed a little steep for a cardboard box with a baffle in it so I went online and found these people and as they're 10 mins away went there.

Wow $18.70 each but they suggested if I get a vform panel filter I could clean it rather than replacing every time it clogged and would work out cheaper over time. So I spent $40.70 on a cleanable filter and they made one on the spot for me.

i then thought why not ask about the filters for my dustys. Ok it's not something that they stock but they're getting back to me with prices. We then discussed the actual units themselves both air filters and extractors and they couldn't beleive how much we are being charged for them. So this is something they are interested in doing as they think they can do a better price point.

so check them out. I have no affiliation with them other than a satisfied customer.

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