Woodcut negative rake scraper ... as a lacer skew

samedi 26 décembre 2015


for those of you who own or have seen a woodcut negative rake scraper in person .... am I seeing things or is this essentially a skew with an Alan Lacer grind?
reason I ask is I was looking at purchasing the bigger Lacer style skew from D-Way in the states (can't find a big piece of hss to grind my own) and just happened to see the woodcut scraper while perusing their gouges when a lightbulb went off.

Will work out a whole lot cheaper and is local so seems to be a winner.... unless I am missing something... just needs the one side softened so it rolls on the tool rest.

Busy going down a skew rabbit hole and next thing to try is a lacer grind and want a big skew for bigger spindles and roughing. So far I don't care for oval skews and a couple of smaller round skews I made over Christmas are handling quite nice. Also been playing with a bedan for a few months (diy out of 12mm square hss) and can't see an advantage over a skew but absolutely hate the way the corners dig into the tool rest so it has been relegated to a parting tool.

Happy New Year to all.


Woodcut negative rake scraper ... as a lacer skew

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