Floor in progress ... calling Dirk

dimanche 27 décembre 2015

So the sil started to paint a bedroom at her new bf's house. All good till she trid on the can of paint. ..... all over the carpet. Oukd be a conspiracy here as she wanted polished boards anyway. Slight issue. While there are polished boards in the living area and hall there is sheet flooring in the bedrooms

Bu the look and feel of the sheets for a bit too myh water during costruction

So smotth edge gone next remoce the trim and then the floor.

This is where you come in Dirk. That mew saw of yours .... how close does it cut to a wall ;)

Need to leave the floor under the walls but cut it back enough so the transition from sheet to pine is covered by the skirts

Dave TTC
Turning Wood Into Art

Floor in progress ... calling Dirk

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