FIFA and the IOC

mardi 22 décembre 2015

For years I have been heartily sick and tired of the antics of these two organizations.

Both act as defacto governments swanning around the world being "honoured" and
feted by fools who hope to gain some largess from their magnanimity and corrupt

I was glad to see Sepp Blatter and others on the FIFA gravy train come to grief, but
why am I not surprised to see the former FIFA head act the way he has to his dismissal?

I am not surprised because this attitude of his seems to go with the territory.

The sooner FIFA is forced to reform the better.

The sooner we wake up to the unwarranted antics of the IOC the better.

Let us hope cricket and Rugby never tread the same path as these two laughable entities.

FIFA and the IOC

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