Do AD helmets work OK outdoors?

vendredi 11 décembre 2015

Hello all
I'm finally moving into the 21st century and getting myself an AD helmet for Christmas.
It's a toss up between the Miller Digital Elite and the Lincoln Viking 3350.
At this stage I'm leaning towards the Lincoln as it has a bigger viewing area and slightly quicker reaction time - 1/25000 as to 1/20000.
But on the other hand the Miller has X-mode (the shade is triggered by the burst of electrical current rather than bright light) and I do all of my welding outdoors (being on a farm).
Never having used an AD helmet before, does direct sunlight - particularly in the mid summer - keep triggering the the shading on a "normal" AD helmet (one without X-mode) when you're not actually welding?

Read the full thread at

Do AD helmets work OK outdoors?

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