Stopping invisible dust fogging your glasses.

lundi 28 avril 2014

Worked this out this morning. My dustbegone's cactus. So was stuck with the cheapo dust masks. But the cheapo dust masks fog up your glasses.

So Gaffa tapped the bugger to my head ! Who ever invented gaffa taps a friggin genius.


- feel good about coming up with the idea myself (even though probably 400 other blokes around the world worked it before me are doing it too)

- no fogging, which can be the most annoying thing for me.

- can still breathe freely for long periods, thanks to the poor seal at the bottom of the mask.

- nothing moves on my head. Nothing needs to be adjusted constantly because its biting into my head…or slips or whatever. Went all morning with the thing on my head forgetting it was there.

- doesn't cost a fortune. 50 dust masks for 10 bucks. 3 bucks for gaff tape.

- don't have feel like a di#khead dressed like I'm about to land on the moon with those expensive filtration systems. Or feel castraphobic wearing that stuff. Don't have to worry about batteries, or breaking some part. Or cleaning filters. Or them not really working properly, because there hard to clean practically. Won't have to stubbornly use something I'm not comfortable with because I forked out hundreds for it.

- won't end up with chest pain at the end of the day, because its stopping a fair bit getting into my lungs.

- Won't need weekly facials at the beauty clinic….cause all those blackheads in my face are pulled out whenever I rip the mask off.


- ?

- nil chance of ever receiving a kickback from dust inhalation product manufacturers for drumming up business.

- long term I may die from some kind of invisible dust cancer. But thats ok because like most humans, as long as everything looks rosy in the short term every things A OK.

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