How to make a pair of oversized raised panel doors?

mercredi 24 juin 2015


Have recently moved into a new house that has open plan living which is ok except for what is now going to be the home theatre room which has an over sized door opening which I would like to rectify with a pair of double four panel doors.

Standard height opening at 2040mm but the width is about 2055mm. I had toyed with the idea of just hanging standard sized doors but then I'm left with this 200mm odd sized panel on either end of the door and I'm not real sure on how I could finish it all off and not make it look like a complete after thought?

Any ideas or suggestions on how I would go about making these doors etc. I have done a bit of googling and searching but nothing sort of spells it out. Also went to Doors Plus for ideas and all they could suggest was bifolds at some $1100 or so.
Raised Panel Door.jpg

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