
dimanche 28 juin 2015

Dennis. We got Dennis from the animal shelter in Perth in 2006, at that point he was around 4 or 5 we think. Dennis went absolutely everywhere with us: down to the shop, out to tea, down to the beach or on holidays in our camper. He liked nothing more to curl up on my lap in the morning and sit next to his mum on her chair whilst she did the crossword. Dennis was profoundly deaf by his 12th birthday, he suffered badly from arthritis in his shoulders and elbow and had a lifelong battle with am irritable gut. Dennis was about 8 when this picture was taken in ‘his’ camper.

On Thursday last he started stumbling, falling over and walking into to things, we took him to the vet who said it was almost certainly a tumor. The next day he started wandering aimlessly around the house - never stopping. It was obvious that Dennis was suffering neurological problems from which there would be no return, I intended on taking him to the Vet on Monday to have him put to sleep. By Saturday day night he was was running around the house, stumbling, falling, getting stuck in corners and panicking.

I called out the duty Vet on Sunday night and she gave him a sedative to calm him down, Once calm she gently put him to sleep. Dennis took his last breath whilst we held him in our arms. Tomorrow we’ll organize his cremation and when he is returned to us we’ll place him on the bookcase where he can be with us always - close by.

Yummmmm, anzac biscuits!
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