Oxy welding/heating galvanised mild steel

dimanche 3 août 2014

I have a bracket attached to our house, which is one of those generic television aerial brackets, it’s galvanised. It doesn’t hold an aerial, it holds our telephone lines coming from the power pole across the road.

With some recent bad weather we had a tree go down and pull on the telephone cables, bending the bracket, but thankfully, not doing much other damage.

My first thought was to whip the bracket off, hit it with oxy to make it soft, then press the flat base back to flat, as well as pull the tube back to its original orientation.

Then I started thinking about the galvanisation and what problems there may be. I have oxy welded gal before outside in a very stiff breeze and only for a small piece, our Hills Hoist in fact.

My worries were more in line of, how if anything, will heating and bending/flattening galvanised mild steel, affect the metal?

The Hills is still happily holding the next generation of children as they swing when they think we aren't looking. :D


Hills Antenna &amp TV Systems

The link directs to various brackets, click on, "Curved fascia Brackets" which is pretty much what I'm talking about.


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