Oblique Angle Bridle Joint

samedi 25 octobre 2014

Hi Guys, I'm making the attached bridle joint. The leg is at a 10 degree angle.

My figuring is to essentially cut it as you would a 90 degree joint - with a tenoning jig on the TS.

The only difference being the angle. To tackle that I would cut the ends at 10 degrees so it rests on the table saw bed at the correct angle. Then using a 10 degree wedge clamped to the tenoning jig to rest it against.

Same method for both M&T's.

I plan to leave it all over length a little to then flush it up after glue up.

Just wondered if there's another way? A better way? Things to consider?

Cheers as always!


Screen Shot 2014-10-25 at 4.22.09 pm.jpg

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