Mystery Timber SE Queensland

vendredi 3 avril 2015

I’m usually pretty good with my cabinet timbers but woodturning by nature turns up some oddities that don’t make it to the cabinetmakers bench. I picked up a few pieces of this recently when clearing the estate of a friend of my fathers. Amongst the lot were the usual culprits including camphor, jacaranda etc plus a few nice pieces of Red cedar and whitebeech. All were unmarked but this one has me stumped. I presume some sort of acacia but I may be well off. It cuts well, is a nice reddish brown (a little redder than the photo suggests perhaps) and reasonably dense (maybe 600 – 700 kg/m3 just judging by the weight of a few pieces). Meullary rays aren't pronounced and the trunk was oblong as opposed to round. I thought Black Wattle but it seems darker than the black wattle I’ve seen. I’m not much good at picking all but the most obvious turning timbers via their bark but maybe someone who knowstheir stuff can have a guess. It almost certainly would have come from SE Queensland. Any ideas?

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