I need a Workmate style portable workbench

dimanche 26 octobre 2014

I've recently identified that I need a portable workbench; like the Black and Decker Workmate of old. There only appears to be one Workmate model sold in Australia and it I've not yet heard a good word said about it. What's really scary are the comments about how the one made in the 90's was so much better.... the one from that era was in my mind was a bit of a piece of junk so how bad are the newer ones? :?

Ok; so far my local suppliers are a bit short of this item; Bunnies has this Ryobi on the shelf but the single posts at each end don't look very sturdy to me. No-one else seems to stock anything else. I do like the idea of the adjustable height.

What I want it for is light sawing and planing; basically something to take to work with me and build small boxes etc mainly with hand tools. Nothing precision but the ability to hold wood vertically while sawing dovetails and horizontally while planing is desirable.

So, what's out there? Who's bought anything like this in the last few years?

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