Air tools advice/recommendation

vendredi 17 octobre 2014

I have a new compressor, rated to 379Lpm/13.4cfm @ 90psi continuous. Having never had one before, I will be looking to build a collection of air tools. First on the list is die grinders. There are a couple I'm interested in and both are rated at "~350Lpm average, ~500Lpm max". My question is, what does this mean with respect to my compressor? How often will I overload the tools and have to back off? For comparison I have an ancient Dremel and as soon as you put any load on it the rpm drops way down and you have to back off the pressure. Will this be a similar thing, where the grinders will spin free no worries but as soon as I lean on them they'll drop right down? If so, is it better to choose slightly lesser tools with lesser torque and lesser flow requirements?

Same with a few air drills I've looked at - if it lists max consumption that is way over my compressor's output the drills will be fine for the average 5mm hole but when I want to drill a 10mm hole through 15mm plate I'll have to keep backing off to let the tank build up a bit?

It's only a small tank, 70L, so I'll be asking the compressor to do most of the work anyway.

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