QLD Meber 600 (24") Bandsaw

mercredi 22 avril 2015

Following a workshop refit I have made the gut wrenching decision to part with my Meber 600 bandsaw. Reason being - tightness of space. I have purchased a second hand Laguna SUV which just makes more sense in the confined quarters of my workshop. I can’t sing the praises of this saw enough, however, don’t take my word for it, take a look on the forum and you’ll find there are plenty who recognise Meber quality. To purchase an equivalent Italian saw like this today with fully welded frame and Euro guides (Meber, Centauro (still making Felder saws I believe) etc would have to cost $3k to $4k+. This saw has always been very well looked after as you can see from the photos and there is nothing to do other than to drop it into your shop. The saw requires 3ph power or you could fit a single phase motor without any trouble. It comes with a number of blades, including a brand new 1” Lenox resaw blade purchased new in December that hasn’t touched wood. Once again the decision to sell this saw is not based on any performance misgiving, it has just become too tight to work around comfortably. Asking $1100. Pickup from Ascot Brisbane.. Ishould also be clear, there is a home made castor base on this machine (can’treally see it in the photos).plus a small LED worklight on the side that Iamgoing to keep.
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