Natural Edge Bowl

mercredi 22 avril 2015

This piece I made a little while ago but was not happy with the finish. It felt a bit rough to the touch. So I took it back to the garage and sanded it back to bear wood using the drill press with a disc mounted sanding pad. Went through the grits up to 320 I did do some hand sanding between grits of the drill press. I think I spent 1 hour sanding this little piece. :B But like I said I was not happy with the finish as it just felt rough.

The intention was to make a natural edge bowl. The bark was a little thicker originally and a bit soft at places so I used a sharp knife to get it down a little to where it was not as soft.

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I think the shape of the bowl should have been a little more steeper in relation to the sides. If I did that then I would have loss one of the natural edges and instead of a bowl I would have made a scoop. :U This all comes to how I originally mounted this in the lathe. If I spent a few minutes to think about what I wanted I might have been able to rotate it a little to get some symmetry in the piece. Then again I was dealing with the pith and the cracks that come from this.

I guess you might be able to tell that I am not entirely happy with this piece. I will say this about this piece it is more a practical piece then an artistic piece.

All comments and criticism are welcome.
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