Help required starting a compost heap

mercredi 6 janvier 2016

I have built a couple of compost cages so SWMBO has plenty of compost for her vegies and flower beds. My plan is/was to fill one cage and wait a few weeks and then transfer the contents into the other cage and repeat until the contents had broken down. My first batch is about 3 weeks old so I decided to transfer to the second cage today. While there was a fair bit of steam coming off the pile, it seemed very dry and there was a grey powder like coating on some of the compost.
I am mainly putting in leaf litter from under the trees, soil from the chook pen and horse poo. I cover the pile with an old blanket to stop it drying out too much.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Contents in right cage are being transferred to the left cage.
The Farm_0002.jpg

Very dry inside and what looks like mould growing.
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Help required starting a compost heap

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